Swerim – applied research using NX CAD/CAM

Swerim is a Swedish institute working with applied research to enhance resource efficiency and sustainability, supporting mainly the mining, steel, and metal industry in Sweden. They use NX CAD and NX CAM, from Siemens Digital Industries, to showcase their ideas and put their research theories and results into test and practise.

RotoSub designs for NASA – moved to Solid Edge CAD

RotoSub designs silent fans. When RotoSubs designers saw the excellent modeling capabilities of Solid Edge they decided to let go of their existing CAD system. As an additional benefit, RotoSub found the rendering tool to be magnificent and helping them sell.

Geotech gets substantial time saving with NX CAM

Engineering firm Geotech uses NX CAM to ensure precision in their products. They provide companies worldwide with innovative geotechnical field investigation equipment, such as drill rigs, CPT, and PVT-meters. Starting in 1970, their products are developed, designed, and manufactured in Gothenburg, Sweden.

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