Solid Edge CAM

engineered to grow your business

CNC machining, nesting, 2D nesting, cutting, bending, molding, welding, assembling, and additive manufacturing. Solid Edge manufacturing solution from Siemens Digital Industries lets you execute traditional and new manufacturing processes.

Feature based machining

Feature-based machining in Solid Edge CAM Pro uses a knowledge engine to identify and create NC machining strategies for prismatic features. Unlike other CAM systems, it can be used as a complete machining kit, or as a companion for other types of machining. Additionally, the operations created are true machining operations that can be modified as needed by NC programmers.

Additive manufacturing

Solid Edge additive manufacturing solutions enable you to create world-class products using the latest 3D printing and additive manufacturing techniques.

CNC machining and milling

Solid Edge CAM Pro offers advanced machining capabilities such as adaptive and feature-based machining, smart pencil milling, and enhanced roughing routines. Toolpaths are associative to the Solid Edge parts and assemblies so the toolpaths can be quickly updated to incorporate any design changes.

Complete CNC turning

The tool supports a full range of turning tool paths, including teach-mode and other manual methods for fine control. Also available are outside and inside diameter programming for turning centers and vertical turret lathes. Face, turn, bore, and groove operations are supported for roughing and finishing cuts.

NC simulation

Integrated machine tool simulation in Solid Edge CAM Pro helps you avoid tying up a machine in unproductive prove-outs. Machine simulation CAM Express provides accurate machine simulation by using the actual G-codes for simulation rather than the internal toolpath representation.

by Nextage

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