Nextage PLM event

November 9th, 10am – 3.30pm, Pumpgatan 1 (Building, Uni3 By Geely), 417 55 Göteborg

The event starts at 10 but registration starts at 9, and there will be coffee and sandwich and us from Nextage to chat with if you arrive early.

This event aims to share knowledge, inspire, and provide an opportunity to meet each other in our community of PLM. The entire Nextage team will be joining and we are looking forward to seeing you in person!

Send us the answers to this short form to let us know which breakout session you will attend and if you have food preferences!

The lunch will be a French potato salad with chicken and salmon as a starter.  There will also be coffee and treats, and a sandwich in the morning. Let us know if you have any food intolerances or preferences.

    Your registration details will be used strictly for handling communication with you with regard to the event.  Your name and company will be shared with the venues to fulfill food preferences and access to the facilities. Other information will not be shared with any third-party actor.



    Taking our customers and ourselves to the Next Stage

    Tapio Juurakko, CEO

    Nextage Group


    The value of having a PLM Vision and Strategy and how to implement it

    Niko Salonen, Product Wellbeing™ Advisor

    Nextage Advisory Services


    Coffee refill


    Customer presentation

    Magnus Callavik, Global head HVDC Engineering

    Hitachi Energy


    Transformation and change

    Aida Ploskic, PLM Solution Architect

    Nextage Group




    The Digital Enterprise

    Dževad “Jackie” Mulabdić, Global Business Orchestrator

    Siemens Digital Industries Software


    How to extend and optimize the value of your PLM investments

    Peter Berglind, Services Director

    Nextage Group


    Coffee and regroup for breakout sessions!

    14:00 – 15:30

    Breakout sessions

    Follow a product’s Digital Thread supported by Teamcenter!

    Nextage Services team

    What’s New show and tell in Solid Edge 2024 and a brief overview of the highlights in the Solid Edge apps.

    Thomas Thygesen

    Solid Edge Specialist, Nextage Group

    In this show and tell Jesper will demo what’s new in NX, including PMI, Staged models and more.

    Jesper Jørgensen

    NX Specialist, Nextage Group

    Nextage — Your PLM Partner

    Accelerate your business

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